Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The A brother's and sisters :D

The A brother's ans sister's, i'm referring to :-
1: Anne :D
2: Am :D
3: Amal:D
4: Fajranoob :D
5: Afiq :D
6: Alif :D
7: Aaron :D
You guys probably don't know who are they.. Well,a few of you guys know them already or you guys are them :D
Btw, i'm not a stalker.. They are my friend's friend a.k.a her family :D
Well, I never hangout with them, but i hear a lot of stories about them :D

First things first, Anne is my friend a.k.a Farhana *My Lovely Friend
and her boy is Am a.k.a Amir *they are so sweet together :D.. Amir's sibling is Afiq and Alif *They are the SYED FAMILY :P Then they have a bff known as Amal *she is like frickingly HOT! :D And Amal's boy is Fajranoob *They give the name themselves :D Last person is Aaron.. His full name is very long so they called him aaron for his nickname :D They are the A family :D

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