Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year! :DD

Since it is Chinese New Year, i will write my blog post in red:D
It is kind of weird writing this in red, but never mind ^^
Last night was fantastic!  
My neighbours are all chinese, so they were many fireworks yesterday! 
It was like all over the place! 
My sisters and i were very excited *batak mcm tak pernah tgk fireworkss :P
Then my first sister said, "Kenapa diorang nk mmbkr duit? Bg aku sudahh. Boleh la pegi beli bajuu =,="
I was like, "Tu duit diorang, Biarlaaa. =,="
Anyway, the fireworks was really AWESOMEEEE :D
My dad said the firework cost about RM5000 ++
:O WHAT?!?! RM5000++?
WOW! Okay, my sister was right :P
We can go to korea with that money! haha:P
So, since i have many chinese friends (not so laa) i am quite busy this few days
Have a lot of openhouse to attend :D *Angpau lai lai:P
I love to watch the "ddong ddong chang dance" haha
It is also call as The Lion Dance :D
This is the "ddong ddong chang" dance :P


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