Sunday, February 26, 2012


That is just the word that suits with the situation right now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friendship is more than perfect moments
sweet memories and happy bouts of laughter
it finds us in our lowest times
and picks us up to begin again
friendship is the strength
when we are too weak to progress
it is our heart when we are too numb to feel
friendship brings us to see ourselves
for what we truly are
for what we someday can be
friendship is our hope , our comfort
and sometimes the truth we'd rather not hear
it is the foundation that keeps us whole
that holds our hand as well as our heart
it is the promise of forever

My friendship with her was great. Until YOU came. YOU RUIN EVERY SINGLE THING THAT WE HAD ! And I dislike you for what you did. Okay not dislike. But HATE ! -.-

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Oh! You have turrn 48! :D <3
You are OLD already! :D 
Thanks for taking care of me for these 13 years. Thanks for giving birth to me. Thanks for keep loving me even though I make you sad some times :/
I know I have been a TERRIBLE daughter, but I will become better soon. :')
There is no word that can describe how PERFECT are you! 
There is NO other mother that is better than YOU. People are jealous of me because I have a PERFECT MOM! :D 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stop it. I am tired already.

I'm tired of fighting already. Can we just be like we use to be?
Fine, I put the blame on me.I will say sorry. I will say that it happens because of me. 
That just will make you happy right?
Everytime, I am the one who need to say sorry right? I am the only one who need to put the blame on.
*sigh* whatever it is I'm sorry for what i had done that make you sad.
I don't want to fight with you anymore. I'm sick and tired of this.

Saturday, February 26, 2011



You are overreacting. STOP DOING THAT! The thing that I do, does not involve you. So, stop overreacting. From people doesn't know about the "thing", they know it already and it happens because OF YOU FORGODSAKE! I still want to be friends with you but if you behave like this, I can't promise you that i will keep talking to you. And for the record, she was not angry at all. She was not looking for me that time.
She was looking for the girl she like. The form 1 girl. Not me okayy?
I just want to say , please please please stop overreactinggggg. Thank you for your convenience :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year! :DD

Since it is Chinese New Year, i will write my blog post in red:D
It is kind of weird writing this in red, but never mind ^^
Last night was fantastic!  
My neighbours are all chinese, so they were many fireworks yesterday! 
It was like all over the place! 
My sisters and i were very excited *batak mcm tak pernah tgk fireworkss :P
Then my first sister said, "Kenapa diorang nk mmbkr duit? Bg aku sudahh. Boleh la pegi beli bajuu =,="
I was like, "Tu duit diorang, Biarlaaa. =,="
Anyway, the fireworks was really AWESOMEEEE :D
My dad said the firework cost about RM5000 ++
:O WHAT?!?! RM5000++?
WOW! Okay, my sister was right :P
We can go to korea with that money! haha:P
So, since i have many chinese friends (not so laa) i am quite busy this few days
Have a lot of openhouse to attend :D *Angpau lai lai:P
I love to watch the "ddong ddong chang dance" haha
It is also call as The Lion Dance :D
This is the "ddong ddong chang" dance :P